Understanding Jewelry Making And Care

Three Simple Toe Ring Designs

A toe ring can add a whimsical style during times when your feet are visible. While you might not don this piece of jewelry every day, it can be fun to wear when you're wearing sandals or have bare feet. If you're shopping for a toe ring that you plan to wear during an upcoming vacation or while you're at a pool party with friends, a jewelry store will have a variety of designs. Don't overlook toe rings that are simple, as they can add style without being cumbersome to wear. Here are three popular toe ring designs.


You'll often see several different toe ring designs that relate to water, which is appropriate because a lot of people wear this type of jewelry on vacation. One stylish option that may appeal to you is a ring that depicts a wave. Often, this simple design features a ring made to look like the crest of a wave. This design can be a good fit for a beach visit or pool party, given its connection to the water. If you've done some surfing in your life, you may also feel that this design suits you well.


There are lots of heart-shaped toe rings on the market, including many that have a simple design. These pieces of jewelry typically feature a heart shape that you'll position on top of your toe by rotating the ring accordingly. This is a popular type of toe ring to buy for a loved one, but there's no harm in buying it for yourself. For example, when you look down and see the heart shape, you might remember the importance of self-love. You may even want to think about buying two of these rings and giving one to your best friend.


You've probably seen different types of snake jewelry, including finger rings and bracelets. These pieces are often made to look as though a snake is wrapping its way around a part of your body, which is a look that some people find appealing. You'll also see toe rings that have a similar design. Often, they have a subtle look. It may take someone a moment to realize that this piece of jewelry actually depicts a snake. If you like snake-themed jewelry but don't want to wear something too overt such as a bracelet, a snake-themed toe ring can be a good compromise. Shop for these toe rings at a local jewelry store.
